The Lion
Love Language Acts of service
Leo is associated with fire, accompanied by Aries and Sagittarius, and its modality is fixed. The constellation Leo is associated with the mythological Nemean lion. The lion is a very important and prominent symbol in Greek mythology.

In matters of love and relationships, individuals with the astrological sign of Leo exhibit a penchant for openly expressing affection and a desire to be perceived favorably when in romantic relationships.
This theatrical sign is characterized by its warmth, generosity, and a proclivity for seeking attention. Those seeking to engage romantically with a Leo should be prepared for an individual who values loyalty and seeks a partner who shares similar attributes and a mutual interest in playfulness.
In essence, a Leo's love is accompanied by a penchant for grandeur, and, at times, a need for public acknowledgement.
Should a romantic liaison progress to a wedding, one can expect an extravagant affair. A Leo wedding is often characterized by opulence, with grand venues such as castles, lavish feasts reminiscent of those fit for royalty, and an unwavering attention to detail.
When it comes to intimacy, engaging in sexual activities with a Leo is akin to a grand performance. Leos are known to meticulously set the stage for their romantic encounters, often with intricately designed living spaces akin to theatrical set designs.
Their desire to command attention is rooted in their ruling planet, the Sun, a source of pride and influence over their amorous capabilities.
An ending of a romantic relationship involving a Leo is often avoided at all costs by this sign, who may go to great lengths or employ avoidance tactics to circumvent the unpleasantness of a breakup.